Access account information and initiate payments

Our PSD2-compliant open banking API allows regulated financial institutions, fintechs and service providers to access account information and initiate payments, without having to go through a user interface.

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What is the Open Banking PSD2 API?

The second Payment Service Directive (PSD2) aims to promote innovation and collaboration in the digital banking sector. It enhances security in accessing account information and offering payment services in Europe.

Who can access the PSD2 API?
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Any financial sector third-party provider (TPP) who is regulated by their national competent authority in Europe and the United Kingdom. Under PSD2, TPP are authorised providers of Account Information Services (AISP) or Payment Initiation Services (PISP).

  • Fintechs looking to deliver new account management or payment services apps to their customers
  • Institutional partners seeking to automate data access and payments
  • Banks and corporations who want to aggregate account information from multiple sources and improve payment experiences
  • Platforms and software providers looking for optimal connectivity


Build with us

Access documentation, guides and tutorials on the API Developer Portal, where you can register and test your application before going live.

Contact us at for additional information to help you get started.

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