Swiss Small Gems Certificate

Home to scenic skiing, mountain dogs, chocolate and precision watches, Switzerland has provided fertile soil and stability for global brands to develop. With a wealthy consumer base that laps up high-quality domestic Swiss products and services, this certificate was built on investing in Swiss companies.

A purple gem
Swiss Small Gems

ISIN: CH0359014864

The Swiss National Bank’s commitment to hold interest rates negative « for some time » should convince domestic savers to move their savings into stocks while allowing the Swiss franc to further devalue. With a weaker Swiss franc, companies will regain some of the competitive edge they have lost. However, Swiss companies rely more on brand quality and innovation than on pure price competitiveness. The Swiss Small Gems Certificate focuses on companies with market capitalizations below CHF 2 billion, using a standard GARP (growth-at-a-reasonable price) model to uncover the most attractive stocks.


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