Global Inverse 2.0 Index Certificate

Buy, sell! Sell, buy! Despite the hype, stocks don’t always rise. Global Inverse 2.0 Index Certificate is a « glass half full » alternative to the usual method. Backing the losing stocks, we have built a global portfolio using inverse stock ETFs designed to make you money when stocks decline.

Bright lights
Global Inverse 2.0 Index

ISIN: CH0596608510

Dark clouds are building over the global bull market. It is time for investors to consider alternative scenarios to stocks always going higher. The Global Inverse 2.0 Index Certificate trading is an attempt to provide an alternative to the dominant bullish outlook. We have built a global portfolio using inverse stock ETFs for a bear market that are designed to short the market and prosper when stock prices fall. This means you expect the market, in general, to turn negative for a notable period of time. If the market turns bearish overall, the Global Inverse 2.0 Index Certificate will be poised to take advantage.


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