China Online Certificate

Over 900 million people in China have internet access, making its internet marketplace a force to be reckoned with. Yet considering China’s population, the percentage of users is way below the penetration rate in the U.S., which highlights significant room for growth. China’s online assets are promising and most probably worth the investment.

Chinese town
China Online

ISIN: CH0341837836

China has become the world’s largest e-commerce market, with sales of $589 billion in 2015. China has developed its own online offering catering to the country’s unique culture. Western companies have had a challenging time breaking into the market due to structural and cultural issues. The result has been the incubation of innovative world-class private enterprises. As China shifts from investment- to consumption-led growth, these agile entrepreneurs will also benefit from support and protection from Beijing. The China online Certificate includes social media, search engines, retail and B2B commerce as well as travel and key hardware manufacturers.


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