Norwegian Fishing Certificate

Protein is the cornerstone of the modern, health-conscious consumer diet, which has skyrocketed demand for high-quality natural food like Norwegian salmon. This scaly water dweller is commanding premium prices in both, developed and emerging markets, such as China and Brazil. Time to cast your net!

A fisherman holding a salmon
Norwegian Fishing

ISIN: CH0434695018

The price of Norwegian salmon has surged as global demand is booming and supply declining. Global warming has devastated salmon stocks with parasitic sea lice and toxic red tide algal bloom killing production. Disruption in global supply chains in Alaska and Chile points to sustained higher prices. Changing consumer preferences, shifting socioeconomic patterns, overfishing and climate change suggest that salmon prices will remain high, indicating a bright future for companies with access to high-quality products, which this theme’s portfolio is concentrating on.


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