Trading has never been easier

themes trading cards
The art of straightforward trading

Themes Trading is our collection of dynamic thematic portfolios, which means that you don’t buy individual stocks but assortments of stocks, carefully handpicked by our Swissquote experts. Traders and investors opting for this thematic portfolios are looking at what lies ahead and can therefore position their assets for faster growth and higher returns. And the best part about it? It’s so easy!

Become familiar with Themes Trading

A common understanding of today’s world is an investor's greatest advantage. Choose what you believe in and we turn it into a smart investable instrument. Find out more in this educational video.


Cornerstones of thematic trading

What is a certificate and how we build it?

A Themes Trading certificate is a portfolio of thematic stocks or assets, carefully selected by our experts.


We identify trends analysing macroeconomic data, industry, news and market flow.


Each potential company or asset in a certificate is examined. We choose only securities that best represent the thematic idea.


Once the universe has been allocated and the certificate is listed on SIX Swiss Exchange, it is continually monitored, validated and reallocated every three months.


No jargon needed
Mega cash dividends certificate

Performance, investment horizon, risk level: Each certificate displays all important information at a glance without incomprehensible financial slang.

Build your own portfolio

All you need to get started is an account

Account overview stocks

You don’t need a degree in finance to understand Themes Trading but there’s no harm in taking a deeper look into thematic investment.


Our experts highlight the past performance of our thematic portfolios and discuss the Themes that will lead the way in 2024 and beyond.

Costs and perks
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