Trading has never been easier
What is a certificate and how we build it?
A Themes Trading certificate is a portfolio of thematic stocks or assets, carefully selected by our experts.
Performance, investment horizon, risk level: Each certificate displays all important information at a glance without incomprehensible financial slang.
All you need to get started is an account
You don’t need a degree in finance to understand Themes Trading but there’s no harm in taking a deeper look into thematic investment.
Our experts highlight the past performance of our thematic portfolios and discuss the Themes that will lead the way in 2024 and beyond.
Each transaction on Themes Trading costs you only CHF/EUR/USD 9.‑* (regardless the number of certificates). Yearly management fees from 0.7%** to 1.5% will be deducted directly from your performance.
*Excluding stock exchange and real time fees
**Valid for certificates released after 1st of July 2018
Compared to buying the single stocks in your certificate, Themes Trading is cheaper and designed for trading beginners or people short of time.
Focusing on a growth-oriented strategy, our certificates follow a forward-looking approach that assists to capitalise on predicted changes in our world.
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